Where is Forrest Gump’s Bus Stop and Bench?

The filming location for the bus stop scenes from Forrest Gump was on the north end of Chippewa Square in Savannah Georgia. Specifically at the intersection of Hull street and Bull street.

Many visitors to Savannah go in search of the iconic bus stop and bench, where actor Tom Hanks uttered those immortal one-liners… “Mama always said, ‘stupid is as stupid does.'”

And “…life is like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re gonna get.”

A quick internet search will direct fans of the film to the north end of Savannah’s Chippewa Square.  But many a visitor can be seen there, searching for the bus stop and coming up empty.

If one goes in search of the bus stop itself, they will find themselves in the intersection of Hull and Bull Streets, but with no bus stop – or bench – anywhere near.

That’s because the filming location never was an actual bus stop in Savannah.

In fact, the next time you watch the film, take note of the fact that the buses were all traveling the wrong way on one-way Hull Street.

The bench itself was a prop constructed/sh of fiberglass and modeled after Savannah’s real park benches.  Paramount pictures supposedly made three benches for principal photography – a primary bench along with two backups.  One of the props is located in the Savannah Visitors Center museum on display.

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